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Linsinger e-car fleet 733 500 Linsinger Maschinenbau

Linsinger e-car fleet

The generated power from our photovoltaic system is not only going into our office buildings… … but also into our on-site charging stations for electric cars. Our e-car fleet runs…

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Green energy 733 500 Linsinger Maschinenbau

Green energy

Our photovoltaic system plays a vital role in our climate protection program as it is supplying us with green energy. The system is located on our company’s rooftop with a…

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We did it! 550 375 Linsinger Maschinenbau

We did it!

We are pleased to announce that LINSINGER has received the environmental management standard EN ISO 14001:2015 certificate by TÜV AUSTRIA CERT GmbH. It shows that we are continually improving on…

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Happy world environment day! 1024 698 Linsinger Maschinenbau

Happy world environment day!

On this special day we would like to share that we were able to produce more than 80 MWh of electricity with our 1181 m² in-house photovoltaic system in the last 5 months. Focusing on the production and consumption of green energy is only a small part of the contribution of LINSINGER for our environment. What are you contributing worth sharing on world environment day? read more